They may try really hard, but 9.99 times out of 10 it will cause a failure. I believe in a person's right to choose what they do to their bodies as long as it is not illegal. I personally believe in Pro Life...but I am not going to shove my personal reasons down your throat because you made a decision to abort. I believe that the laws of the land have been written for us. This doesn't mean we can't make changes as we should (what do 250 year old people know anyway?) but I DON'T believe idealistic JUDGES should rule from the bench. I believe that if you are the person who fills this list, then you are more than qualified to LEAD this country. I believe that you cannot talk to people who want to erase you, or the thought of you. I believe in a strong national defense. There is not one reason why America is not the most effective or most feared (this is a positive in the thought that no one wants to awake the sleeping giant, not because we go out and kill everything that moves.)
I believe in a lot of things. You may even pigeon-hole me in to a particular party affiliation, I'll probably agree with you....but even then I don't consider myself Republican or Democrat. I consider myself an American first.
So, after all that, I must address what has occurred today. Our Nation has elected and inaugurated a new President. We have finally stepped out from our fathers and grandfathers mistakes. We are treating people as people and not colors. Our process is the greatest in the world. Our Nation does it right for the most part, I disagree with the Electoral College. I think that part is archaic and needs to be eliminated. The person with the most votes wins, it's as simple as that. People wanted "change" they got it. I'm not sure this is the right kind of "change" that this country needs. I feel personally we are not going to be happy right away. And unfortunately, President Obama has had very lofty goals and expectations to "fix it". Good Luck Mr. President. You're going to need it. I am hoping for every one's sake, you can accomplish what you wanted to from the beginning. As long as it doesn't affect me and my money.
Congratulations President and Mrs. Obama, I hope and pray for you and your family. Can not forget you Vice President Biden, good luck to you too.
Thank you President Bush for your 8 years of service.