A: So how was school today?
K: Good. Mommy?
A: Yes?
K: Is HISS a bad word?
A: Hiss? Like a snake hiss? No honey, it's not a bad word.
K: Oh. (shoulda stopped there....but alas if you know my wife...)
A: But if you say it with a P instead of H it is. (SEE?)
K: You mean PISS?
A: Yup, that's a bad word. How do you know that word? (Oh boy..)
K: I just Knowed it.
A: You do? How?
K: Like when you and Daddy are talking and he says something you don't like you say you're PISSED OFF at him....
Ah! My wonderous, loving five year old baby boy! And she wonders why I was such a handful at this age! Kid has the Parker curse. He is able to remember and RETAIN a ton of useless crap. That helps when you are playing along with Jeopardy! or Trival Pursuit or something, but not when it comes to stuff like the above. Ah..behold the power of wonderment!
So.... I was surfing the web one day when I was sick a few weeks ago, (alas, even when I am sick I am on my email from work because missing one day is like missing a week. Between the Crackberry and Webmail I stay pretty much connected. ) I was in need of a laugh. So, I went to Google Images and typed funny Church signs. This is what I saw first:

NOW THAT'S FUNNY! Leave it to us Catholics!
Another search was just funny pics, here's that return:

Wow! No,folks that is not my kid's drawing! Could you imagine having to explain why your kid is 5 and knows the true meaning of "making it rain" Oops!
So that lead me to look further through those images..cause that last one was pretty funny. I saw this comic strip artist that apparently does "adult themed" comics, and found this tidbit:

I showed that one to my wife and told her I didn't want frogs....I got slapped. Go figure.
So on the last note Kid has a favorite joke I told him and it's funny coming from a 5 year old:
Q: What are the 2 dirtiest animals on the farm??
A: Brown Chicken , Brown Cow.
Enough said! Got to go get ready to watch my favorite local Baseball team get the crap kicked out of em!